Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments (OCWCOG) was formed in 1967 as a voluntary association of governments to carry out a variety of local, State, and Federal programs. Our members include three counties, 20 cities, one port, and one tribe in the Linn, Benton, and Lincoln County region. OCWCOG helps communities collaborate to solve problems and connects member governments, businesses, and individuals with a wide array of services.
OCWCOG sought a redesign to create a modern site with a nicer design aesthetic that better showcased the incredible breadth of the work they do. They have several primary audiences, including: senior citizens, business owners, economic developers and locals who use various transportation services. One of the great challenges was finding ways to showcase the many pages without overwhelming the user.
Visit the site:
OCWCOG Homepage Before
Project A

OCWCOG Homepage After
Wordpress using X and Cornerstone
Emphasis on creating an organized way of viewing and accessing many different areas of the website, modern, good clean design, better integrating brand colors, and accessible to many audiences (e.g. seniors or disabled citizens).

Senior Services
Using clear breadcrumbs and color coding each section of the website helps the user to know where they are at any given moment. Users commented on how grateful they were that contact information was so much easier to find than it had been previously.

The mega menu
A clear, clean, mega-menu that shows the landing pages of each main program in each division of OCWCOG helps the user to navigate between each area of the site, while not getting stuck in any particular funnel. These menus are still easy to use on mobile. Search is always readily available.